Before, the GX love begins, we have the angst.
Brother missed bus again so again we wake up unconscious, camp-weary Nayami at 7 something or other and tell her she must drive him to school because there's no other way. Never mind that I got lost the other time I tried this FOR AN HOUR. Never mind that I don't feel well because it's too early. Never mind that I have to go into work early. No, I have to. So I do so. I get back by the grace of God and fall asleep.
Afterwards, I wonder why the hell are all my dreams about my mother bad? I've never once had a nice dream about her. Never. It's not like we didn't have any nice experiences when she was alive so why am I so miserable everytime she's alive in my dreams? I don't remember much about this one. Only that she was angry at me for my slash obsession. One, my mother never game a damn about that when she was alive, except to say it was weird. She saw my posters. She saw my books. I might have been embarrassed as hell about it, but she never was accusing. In the only other dream I can remember, she was insanely controlling and got in the way of my new independent/go-where-I-want life. Ok, she might have been a little controlling when she was alive, but I seriously doubt she would have bothered me at this age. She might have been pissed I'm still at home. I don't know. I just want one dream about her where I don't spend the whole thing knowing it's a dream and being angry that she's around again. I hate myself for this. What's wrong with me?
Back to spazzery...
Wow. I don't hate GX at all now that I've given it a chance.
Sure, no Kaiba or Yami or any of my other lovies. But Juudai is a more engaging main character than Yuugi. I like his confidant but perky personality. He reminds me of a more devilish Yoh. Manjyome seems like he's playing Kaiba for a bit here, but I know it's all for show and that he'll grow out of it shortly. I like Asuka, as I knew I would. Still against the fat ugly one, but that's my shallowness acting out. Even Shou might grow on me. The dubbing doesn't bother me since I didn't watch enough of GX subbed to care. It only gets annoying when the older characters/villains/ect are given stupid accents. Shou, Asuka, Manjyome and Juudai are doable. Remembering these names is going to kill me since 4Kids decided it just isn't cool to go with half-and-half name changes anymore and gave everyone the dumbest names possible. Manjyome should kick someone's ass. Chaz?! WTF 4Kids? I mean, WTF. Jaden I can live with. Alexis could be worse. I can't even remember Shou's dubbed name.
The duels also seem more violent in this version. Kaiba's been experimenting with his systems, I see. Juudai and Manjyome looked like they were really feeling those hits. It makes the duels more exciting to watch. Also, as much as we all love Obelisk, we know that Ra is the superior card and Kaiba only made Obelisk the special dorm because it used to be his. Someone's playing favorites. Naughty boy. I'm shocked that I'm this pleased with GX despite my brother failing to record the second episode until 9 MINUTES into it. So I missed the whole mini-rivalry between Manjyome and Juudai and the whole placing into the dorms.
You know, Manjyome has a long-ass name. I'm going to start calling him Jyome. Also, love the spiffy uniforms everyone has. I want an Obelisk jacket. Cosplay idea!
Moving away from my incomprehensible enjoyment of the GX dub, I'm unsure whether I want to go for counselor apps this time. I have a really good idea of how to write my character, but as Kaiba is seriously in danger of disappearing because I can never think of anyway to involve him because of my canon-whoring, I don't know if I should bring another character into this. Even though the one I want will be more social than Kaiba, as is his basic bad-boy nature. I don't want to lose my Kaiba because I love playing him and he is one of my lasting favorites. But with the setup I have, he's so incompatible with the camp. ;_; I need a Yuugi/Jou/Mokuba/Isis...hell, I'll take an Anzu at this point. And a Tsume while I'm at it.
Naruto's birthday was overall uninspiring throughout the Net, making Sasuke the winner as usual. Doesn't he ever get tired of kicking Naruto's ass?
I go watch Black Cat now.
Also, someone explain to me the deal with Wild Adapter. It's all I hear/read lately. Sounds like a more depressing Banana Fish to me. But I like. I'll just need something to counter the ANGST it will force upon me. Game on!