Progress report

May 01, 2008 20:04

70 Days of Sweat, Day Sixty-Two: 1,000 words.

Total: 51,600 words.

Current story (untitled): 6,500 words.

In other news: My apologies for all the writing reports with hardly any interesting personal content, lately. My writing is taking up all of my potential time for the creation of personal content. On the positive side, this means that I haven't been dealing with any visits from the Drama Llama, but on the negative side I also feel uninteresting in the social sense. My brain is full of all of this stuff that's fascinating to me, and the stories I'm writing with it have the chance to be interesting, but talking about it would be as boring as describing my dreams to you.

The writing challenge is almost over, which means that the daily (or every-other-daily) writing reports will end soon. I'll have to start accumulating questions to answer from y'all, or start posting self-portraits or something equally me-centric. :)

Fitness report:

- 20 minutes on elliptical, "weight loss" level 3, including 5 minutes of warm-up
- 45 minutes going up the down escalator machine, level 4
- 5 minutes cool-down

70 days of sweat, fitness

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