Context 20 Highlights, Part 3 (Sunday)

Oct 16, 2007 21:15

(Was it really only two and a half weeks ago? Crazy talk.)

In case you missed my earlier posts, here are links to Part 1, Part 2, and Photos.

On Sunday morning, I slept for as long as I could (until--you guessed it--about 6am (thanks, overactive brain!)), and then had a self-indulgent morning in good ol' room 376, until I went up to the dealers' room around 10. You know, room service and lounging--the good stuff. :)

I did some serious shopping that morning, too. Subscribed to Apex Digest, which rocks. I spent some time talking to Jason, Jackie, Dan, and Raven, then bought several books. Powers showed up while I was staggering under the weight of my purchases, and we set up lunch plans. It turned into a larger group this time. I was glad that Greg was there, so that I could get a better sense of what he was like in person.

I had a writing workshop to attend at 1, with Jackie, and Powers was scheduled for a panel, followed by a rapid departure due to scheduling changes that had been made at the last minute before the convention. The food wasn't delivered until about 12:55, so I only had time to eat about five bites of potato soup for lunch, plus a fried mozzarella stick donated by Jackie to my poor, wretched cause. ;) But seriously, I think the cheese saved me that afternoon! Just before we all dispersed, I got Dan to take a picture of me with Powers, the one I posted before, and then we all ran off to where we needed to be.

Tim Waggoner's workshop, Writing Great Openings, was a mellow affair that Tim started by asking what the class wanted to talk about. He wanted to respond to any writing problems people were having before he started to lecture. I will admit, reluctantly, that by that point I was almost incapable of coherent thought, after very little sleep for two nights, not to mention that afternoon low-energy thing I get around that time of day, so I faded in and out of the discussions of other people's writing issues. Sorry, other people! My sovereign Self did prevail that hour. I managed to focus on the second part of the class, when Tim went through a list of great suggestions for different ways to approach the beginnings of stories; that's information I'll use repeatedly.

After the class, while waiting for the closing ceremonies, a bunch of us made plans to go out for sushi in the evening. The closing ceremonies were slightly more ceremonial than the opening ones, but really, they were more like a meeting where people expressed opinions about what had gone on over the weekend. Naturally, being a new person there, I jumped right in and expressed a bunch of my own opinions. I blame the sleep deprivation. I almost fell asleep on Waggoner in between my own sentences. ;)

After a decent amount of time, Lucy initiated departure for dinner, and I gladly went along with that. The group included Dan, Trista, Gary, Lucy, Jackie & Dan and their daughter, Fran, Brian, Tim W., and me. I will not attempt to explain the wildly varied topics and loopy humor that went on during the meal, or during the dead-dog party in my room, but I for one was reluctant for all of it to end, and I think I may have mentioned that once or twice during the evening (or, I dunno, seventeen times?).

I had to decline the invitation to breakfast for the next morning, since I wanted to have a chance at driving all the way home in one day, but at least I saw Gary and Lucy one more time in the morning, as I was leaving! I didn't manage to get to talk with either of them as much as I would have liked, so next time I'm going to make a point of it (be warned, you two!), because both of them are awesome!

lucy snyder, dan gamber, gary braunbeck, fran friel, jackie gamber, dan robichaud, tim powers, tim waggoner, context 20, trista robichaud

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