(no subject)

Feb 14, 2008 19:52

I haven't posted in forever, life's been hectic. So I'll updated the past two months.

I was home sick today, which is bad because I've been sick three times since New Year's, and it's really messed my schoolwork schedule up. It got semester report card came in the other day, and my mom was pissed because I got a C in math although I got A's in every other subject. Oh, well. I've become excellent at making up excuses for my teachers, and so all my late work gets full credit. Yes-- I know I'm bad. I read the entire Constitution because my American Studies teacher demanded that our class learn our rights. She rants on about Bush, which I don't fault her for, but seriously, we're getting a new President at the end of the year.

I hope Obabma wins- which is off because I've never before been 'into' politics. Clinton is Repbulican Lite, and totally fails at passing herself off as a Democrat. John McCain is a freaking Liberal Republican, and that is totally messed up because republicans + conservitives belong together. As long as some rasict bastard doesn't off Obama, I have high hopes. He makes me proud to be an American.

I've decided I want to be an Air Traffic controler when I grow up, it's a federal job and has all the benifits- not to mention avaiation perks. I have not forgoten my cooking ambition, I made the best cake the other day. Yum.


Aunties Hediye had a baby boy- Hibi is his nickname. I can't wait to see him- that'll happen in the last week of March. Yay Colorado! Abudi and Diala have yet to set a date for their wedding, but it's going to be seperated so I can show some boob. Huzzah. I'm still shopping around, and my parents gave me $150 for the dress and shoes. Yay shopping!

Oregon is a stupid state. We don't vote on Super Tuesday, we don't have a football tean, and half the people own a John Deere tractor. Or many of them. Ew. As well, many of the adolescent girls are blonde bitches who are the meanest people on Earth. George B. likes me which is absolutely disgusting because he is A) very short, b) has a square head and, c) called me a loser a year ago. I hate him.

I also hate hormones. Being female sucks, menstration sucks. But the worst thing is- Menopause. My mother is going through it and being a total bitch. Seriously, in the past weeks me and my dad have talked and grown a lot closer...but my mom is being a monster. *shudder*

I am a bad sister, poor Leila should have someone who likes her. I mean, six year olds need affection, right? I love her, but just can't bring myself to show it. She was rreally sick and threw up blood, when we were in the ER I was so worried. So I realize I like her. As a person...as my sister.

Anyway, Happy Valentines Day everyone. I'm at home, having no lover. oh, well. And my parents are being all kissy. They were making out....ew...

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