Apr 28, 2002 19:17
whassup peoples? nOthin here reaLLy. a Lot has qOne done in these last twO dayz. i dOnt reaLLy need to expLain all the shit to yaLL peoples, do I? nah, nOt riqh nOw atLeast. let's just say a Lotta shit with me surfaced tO the tOp after hoLdin it in so damn lOnq. =] feLt qoOd to finaLLy lift that burden off my chest, ya feeL me? anyways, ontO other shii. teLL me why Ashanti's CD ain't hittin' on shit? they hyped her shit up like it was qOn be toO off the hoOk. um, no. it's okay, if you want me to qive my opiniOn. she has bOut 5 qoOd trackz, outta 17. wdf?? that'z sad. n summa tha lyricz are .. BULLSHIT. i was sittin' here like "wdf was she thinkin when she wrOte this qarbaqe???" .. thank qawd i didnt buy the CD yet. Jules let me listen to his.. cuz i'll be damned if i spend 14 dOLLarz of my mOney on her shit. nOw, tweet .. that's a whoLe 'nOther stOry. tweet'z cd is .. wOw. her shit is tiqht. i can definitely reLate to half her sOnqz [nahhh not that oOpz my finqerz up my pussy shiit .. noOoOo] if nOt most. point bLank -- qO cop her shit. buh anywayz, mOvinq riqh aLonq. umm .. i dOnt know what tO say. oh! ive qOt qoOd newz. im nOt compLetely chanqin my wayz, but im aLtering some thinqz abOut me. yay? LOL. anywayz, i think ima cut this a lil shOrt, and hoLLa back lata. i need to shOwer anyway. [nah, i dont stink, bastards.] me and my mommy are suppOsed to be havinq a "day" toqether. and we're qOin to see a mOvie. so, iLL hoLLa lataz.