i'm bOred as aLL heLL. me n andrew arent taLkin? tha onLy reasOn i questiOn it is .. bcuz heLL if I knOw. =/ oh weLL, nOthin i can do bOut it anyway. im sittin hea bored as fuck, taLkiin to viia aka
xplicitmami. i dOnt have schOoL tomOrrow. yayeeee. im tOo happii. but, err im kinda depressed bcuz repOrt cardz cum out next week. I qOt an F in worLd studies, which aint qoOd at aLL. even thOuqh these qradez dOnt qO on transcriptz, n theyre jus like shOwin tha proqress we've made sO far. i toLd my teacherz "umm.. try teLLin my parentz that". they'LL loOk at it, like a requLar qrade, n im qOnna be qrOunded. uqqhhh. i fuckiin hate schoOL. watch they take away aol, and my phOne priveledqez, and my TV priveledqez . qOtdamn, ima be shiit outta luck with fun shii tO do. =/ qOtdamn schoOl. sO, if yOu dOnt see me around much after the 2nd of March, yOu knOw why. but onto better shii. my daii was aiqht, I guess. nOthin much. nOthin new. 2 mOre mOnthz till i mOve to fLoridaaaa. bLah. i'm kinna happii, kinna nOt. ima miss friendz, buh I cant stand mii schoOl. i cant stand schoOl periOd. =] buh, ima shuddup. i've said enOuqh. i dOnt have schoOl tomOrrow bcuz seniOrz are testinq n they need otherz outta the schoOl. [?? fucka seniOr.. they aint nObodii]. im aLso nOt compLainin. =] anywayz, ima bOunce. hoLLa at a biznitchh. mo0ahz.