Sep 03, 2008 22:18

last night it stormed something mighty here. the rain came all at once followed by a cannonade of thunder and light. it was dvorak over and over again in the clouds' exchange of static charge and heat. i have spent the better part of this evening swooning to rostropovich's man-of-war cello. it is cello so true that it makes everything in me shake and tremble with equal parts intoxication and delight. and he, bespeckled and besuited, eyes closed and fingers quivering so emotively i want to stand and cheer and clap thunderously, i want six million hands clapping in chorus with mine, holding mine at all the parts where you just need to feel somebody close to you because good god this is what music should do, this is what music can do. yes, i want that: six million hands on mine, an ovation of warmth--because the way rostropovich makes his bow linger and yearn into his cello's strings is enough to break and mend any number of hearts. over and over and over again.

how, how in the world is it possible for a mere two hands to do what rostropovich's do?

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it's funny. i distinctly remember driving home from the city about four years ago. it was early spring and the night had already fallen. i turned on the classical station beacuse there are some things in life that just need classical music or jazz. driving at night, for me, is one of them. and this exact dvorak concerto came on. i drove right past my exit because i did not want to leave the freeway for fear of losing the song coming out of my speakers. i must have driven about 30 minutes out of my way just to finish the blasted concerto. Aad it was the best idea I could ever have. i lost track of the name of the concerto and every few months i'll get nostalgic and spend a few minutes rooting around the internet to try to find it. And i never found it until today. it is not a common miracle, this rediscovery, and i am glad.
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