Jan 30, 2006 18:43
mostly news from home makes me depressed. but at least, as my brother in law pointed out, we know that if my family had a reality tv show the ratings would be very very high.
intentionally awkward slow dancing is mega good.
unintentionally awkward cuddle fests is not so much.
however, hair that feels a bit like hamster fur is nice to touch and so is someone's heart beating through a thin t-shirt.
i almost kissed a boy while talking about rilke the other night. that was the best. elbow touches and standing on tip toes to reach his ear, bright blue eyes staring down and dimples tucked into some nice cheek scruff. his cheek against mine, hands cupped around ears, lips whispering and lights dim.
i had food poisoning this morning. and boy, was it a black one, hunched over the toilet seat praying for sleep to come.