I joined the Knitting Olympics this year, as run by the Yarn Harlot.
http://www.yarnharlot.ca/blog/archives/2010/02/10/the_2010_knitting_olympics.html This is not to be confused with the Ravelympics, as run by Ravely, which is like Facebook for knitters. Or MySpace for knitters. Or something. I don't know, it crashes my computer.
(Find the link yourself, computer crashing and all that).
The premise of the Knitting Olympics is to challenge yourself to knit something that is a bit of a stretch for you within the 17 day period that is the Winter Olympics. You begin during Opening Ceremonies (I did, and the ceremony was really neat, but I found some of the musical selections a bit odd. There needed to be a bit more adherence to theme than 'this was written and performed by a Canadian'. The spoken artist was great, the Joni Mitchell song was a stretch but sort of made sense with the scenes evoked, but honestly, k d lang singing 'Hallelujah' was kind of a weird end note. Not that I don't like the song, but another round of 'Oh, Canada' would have seemed more appropriate. Or perhaps an aboriginal song to bring the whole thing full circle?
But enough about the actual Olympics, for the Knitting Olympics I am attempting to make the Renaissance Sweater (full-figure friendly) in Cascade 220 Superwash in a nice wine color.
http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEfall09/PATTrenaissance.php I have started the back. Go me. Only 15ish more days to go.