I haven't done a for serious concert blog in a while, and I'm pretty sure if I would have left my camera at home I wouldn't be making one now LOL.
ANYWAY, July 18th, VNV Nation playing Nokia annnd Kayla's cousin Liana's 14th birthday.
Kayla's really been wanting to take her little cousin Liana to a show for a while now and had kept talking about what she thought would be a good one to bring her to, VNV Nation was chosen and groovily enough it also fell on her birthday. It's interesting how complicated I could make this story LOL. Like I had forgotten to take off work for that day so for the past two weeks I've been trying to find someone to cover but since no one who wasn't already scheduled for that day knows how to do ad set and it seems like they aren't bothering with training anyone just yet I couldn't find anyone. Kayla wanted the night before off because lots of driving around and being up early to do, which caused a problem because again...no one fucking knows how to do ad and some bullshit ensued with her getting yelled at. So we were short a person to put up the ad Friday but it worked out with me only staying 15 minutes later.
BUT I ended up being there until 7 because with my brother and dad out of town my mom's been staying out all night, like aaaallllll fucking night, coming home at 4-5am out all night. So she clearly was, yet again, out all night and wouldn't pick up the house or cell phone, it was funny deleting all the messages I left after I got home. Anyway my grandfather ended up picking me up since he's a kook and is up at that hour on a Saturday anyway. I made the foolish choice of getting coffee with him so I only got about 20 minutes of sleep before we headed out.
We go get Liana and I met her adorable mom who drove us to the train station and the funniest thing happened when we got there. The train station was also a Starbucks so we're getting some smoothies and there's this old guy outside looking in very suspiciously at a package on the counter, so after looking nervously at it for a bit he comes inside and asks 'does this package belong to anybody? Does anyone know what this is?' and one of the guys that works there goes 'uh, it's a package of napkins' and he's all 'are you sure?' so the guy walks over and is like 'yeah' and starts unwrapping it, so the little old man gets a bit huffy and he's like 'well you shouldn't leave it lying around like that, it's very suspicious.' and he leaves and all 6 customers and the 3 people working there crack up laughing, my party included LOL. One of the workers fell to his knees he was laughing so hard. Ah, New York.
And onto the train that would bring us to Grand Central Station, which after I got there it hit me that I hadn't been there before. They were filming something and had these giant light balloons. Interesting. Our plans were to have to have some 'dinner' at the Jekyll and Hyde club before the show, we got there around 3pm and there was no line. Both of them had been there before, I hadn't so I was really excited I had heard such cool things about it. These pictures are us outside waiting the brief 5 minutes
Look at this cute kid
The pictures are a bit bigger then they need to be, ah well. So this steampunky lookin guy leads us in and it's all dark and he's rubbing mine and Kayla's shoulders during his little speech about Dr. Jekyll and about a the test we need to pass in order to go inside and eat, when the ceiling started to come down he wrapped his arms around me in the dark and said something about being scared LOL. He asked Liana what the password was in order to make the ceiling stop and she said 'i dont know' so he goes 'Okay everyone, at the top of your lungs shout I DON'T KNOW' so we do adn he lets us in. LOL. This place was great, lots of stairs though, my knee is still hurting me so that wasn't very fun, but it was really cool, I want to become a regular. They have great drawings and shit on the walls, robots and talking heads and all kinds of funky shit hanging on the walls. I probably should have mentioned before this that this place has a bunch of actors that walk around and harass you, like the steampunk guy. We get a table in the saloon section I believe we order some nachos and had some guy in a tailcoat shake his ass at us and talk about fear ROFL. Another guy in a top hat wrapped my menu around my face because I couldn't decide what to eat, after that he held my hand for an awkward moment then just left LOL.
Needless to say it was interesting, also interesting that they don't accept visa and their ATM wasn't working so I had to walk across the street to get money and on my way back in one of their actors stopped me and talked about bending the rules just for me or something LOL, k.
We had an interesting waiter who spoke in a very high voice and was upset that he might didn't know about the VNV Nation show lol.
....SO WE LEAVE AND HANG OUT IN CENTRAL PARK FOR A WHILE. Kayla had a couple of alcoholic drinks LOL so she was pretty funny for that time period. Someone should submit these next photos to goths in hot weather for me, since I don't think you're supposed to submit pictures of yourself LOL.
Ah scenic New York. We had stay at the restaurant until 6 and then left the park around 7 so when we got to the venue there was no line YAY. Ayria was opening and me and Kayla were super excited about that since we saw them open for The Cruxshadows and had thought she was the cutest. There was this meaty guy next to us who was really into it and caught Jennifer's, the singers, attention. Their set was fun, it sounded really quiet though. The next band was War Tapes and I had a hard time listening to the music because the lead singer was so fucking goofy. They're like a weird emo/goth band...thingie and most of the people there weren't feelin' it since we came to stomp around to some EBM.
SO that had me and Kayla cracking up. THEN VNV NATION. They were super fun, I hate that my knee was hurting so much because I would've danced so much more enthusiastically then I had been LOL. Super fun, Ronan's hysterical, they know how to put on a great show. He yells at us a lot though ROFL. Stuff like 'this isn't soccer, use your arms'. LOL.
I think that last one sums up the experience pretty well. They played until midnight, Nokia usually likes people to wrap up around 11, 1130 so that was interesting LOL.
Set list was-
Pro Victoria
Further [O.o]
Tomorrow Never Comes
Farthest Star
Still Waters
Perpetual is such a great closer, this concert made me feel really good and like, happy and hopeful like VNV wants us to be LOL. I feel like I can now let the warm light of god Ronan into my heart.
At the merch table we got to talk with Jennifer from Ayria and Kayla and I told her we think she's the coolest and we want to be just like her and her eyes got a little watery and we gave her hugs and she said she hoped to see us again. So cute, love that lady.
A subway and confused walk through grand central later and we're on our way home.
Ew I'm getting tan. We were on the train home around 1. Kayla's aunt came and picked us up and then dropped us back off at our car ad we bid farewell. So very tired at this point we got some vitamin water and blasted some VNV on the ride home, in which I fell asleep several times. When I got home my mom wasn't there, out partying again pffft. The sky was really clear though and I had the best shower EVA and fell asleep, and it was a great sleep.
The length of that is quite epic, which is probably why I stopped going so in depth about my concerts when I blog, heh. I could talk about my time spent the past two days but I'm tired of blogging LOL. So there you go. I do have a short video...maybe later.