So I broke. I couldn't do it anymore. I was too nauseous to stomach the lemonade(i tried to get through a glass and couldn't do it without retching) and so weak and light headed from only drinking water for almost 2 days. But I'm drinking pomegranate and black cherry juice right now and I have to say it's fucking fantastic. I had to dilute it though(1/2 water), that organic shit is so potent O_O. But I'm feeling a lot better but I'm still sick(nausea and light headed-ness are gone though), if I'm not better by tomorrow I'm guessing I actually caught something. I might try it again next year in a not so contagious season. Almost 5 days is not so bad for the first try.
Oh and I realize I never posted this here(i took it to show
saphrin, but this is what it looked like (except pixalated)
I also dyed my hair black :-P
I'm gonna go watch Stay. Oi, I love that movie.