I had trouble sleeping that night man. I got a few hours in though. Storming really bad in the morning. Hopped online and chatted with Kayla, weather said it was supposed to be raining all day so i wasn't really sure what to wear. Ended up in a t-shirt and blue jeans. They came by around 10 and Steph was in the car with them! What an awesome surprise, I hadn't seen her in a while.
We stop at 7 11 and get stuff to drink. I forget what we talked about on the ride to Holmdel :/
But we get there and head up to the entrance, we got there early so there was a line forming out front. We didn't feel like standing in line and we were also meeting up with people so we hung out on a bench in the shade.
Kayla's friend Matt joined us not to long later, after that the line started to move in. We were hangin around for Kayla's other friend Christina, but me and Steph were feeling antsy so we went in.
We went by the second stage but a band had either just got off or the first band was setting up.
OH did I mention it was hot as all fucking Hell??? Well it was. Damn.
So anyway, Steph said she was feeling to hot to stand still so we walked around, went to the bathrooms and splashed water on our faces, then watched Driod. They were really good! There was only like, 60 people there though! For the last song the singer jumped off stage and walked up to the lawn and hung out with the kids that were rocking out up there. They get major brownie points for rocking out in that heat for such a small crowd. Awesome.
After Droid me and Steph went to look at bowls. She wanted this big Dr. Seuss one (that's what she called it hehe) but she wasn't sure if she wanted to spend $80 on it, so the guy threw in 1 $30 and 2 $10, I gave her a 20 so i got to pick out a $30. It's very cute, it looks like a scepter. Around that time Kayla, Matt and Christina met up with us.
It was fucking hot. So we go back towards the bathroom, I buy a shirt so I could wrap the stuff in it and get a bag, but they told me they weren't giving out bags. -_-. Christina had one on her though! How awesome. So yeah, they got water and we started splashing each other with it.
Watched Trivium, kinda, I just hung out on the lawn with Steph. Then HellYeah came on! Mike had bough a beer for me in the set up time between so me and Steph went down as close as we could and I watched HellYeah while drinking a nice cold beer. Awesome. They're awesome.
I think in the set up time between me Steph and Christina went and got some water, I got some chicken fingers and fries because I was so hungry O_O. I ended up dumping lots of water on myself because it was HOT. They way it spilt down onto my jeans was very unflattering, as Mike pointed out as soon as he saw me LOL.
Flyleaf got better, which was good. Atreyu came on, and they suck. So me and Steph went to get more water, I again dumped lots of myself, Steph soaked her head. HellYeah was doing a signing so me and Steph headed back towards the lawn so she could get her cellphone to take pictures of Vinnie Paul. So we head back down and take pictures of Vinnie and Chad <3.
Right when it looked like they were finishing up the signing Steph was wondering if she should buy the cd and get it signed, I told her she should and gave her $5 towards the cd LOL. She gave me her cell phone so I could get a picture of her and Vinnie. As soon as she bought the cd she was ushered in and Vinnie was the first one so she was trying to unwrap the cd while talking to him. That was cute. They had a little chat and I took the shot. While I was taking the shot her cd was being passed around by the rest of the band and getting signed so she kind of rushed to catch up to it LOL. Meanwhile I'm grinning at how cute she was being and I look over at Chad and he's giving me this LOOK. Like I don't know how to describe it. It was either a what the fuck, wasn't this chick at the other show?/what the fuck why is this chick soaking wet? she pee herself that bad?/what the fuck why does this chick keep staring at me? LOL. He's kind of intimidating when he's looking at you like that XD. But I rushed over to flail with Steph.
Just so you guys fully understand how awkward it was, he was making a face no to far away from this (yes i had fun trying to replicate it):
Another little funny thing, Tom Maxwell had given this chick a hug and as soon as he did so Chad's face look so horrified and he started hitting Tom's arm and mimed killing him for a good 5 mintues LOL. Then 10 minutes later after Steph got her cd singed we were still looking at them for a moment longer and chad proceeded to smack Tom and attempt to stab him with his sharpie. LOL. It was funny. I don't think he wanted to be asked for hugs. :P
So we head back towards the lawn and were flailing about it and Matt is like "THEY'RE DOING A SIGNING?!?!?!?!" and he rushed over towards where they were LOL. He came back with his cd signed and all bubbly. Cute.
Despite all this we didn't completely miss Atreyu. Still had to witness them butcher Shot Through The Heart. Ugh.
HAHAHA. I almost forgot to mention Evanescence. LOL. I was rereading the entry and I was like "ooh, oops!" HA. Yeah, I dunno. I decided to gawk at the guitarist the whole time because he's really cute (probably because he reminds me slightly of chad). Christina and Kayla were sitting by my feet and every time he did a guitar solo I saw them lift their heads up at me and laugh. LOL. Pricks. <3
Before this I didn't care for Amy Lee, now I think she is horrifying and stupid. Le sigh.
So Um. KORN.
I think they played the best show I've seen them do so far. I think it proves that an amazing crowd will really feed a band. It was so good. Munky did a lot of talking and a couple of times it seemed he was playing guitar intros a little longer then usual, he had a nice long solo before Another Brick In The Wall.
So that rocked.
Christina left and we hung around on the lawn for a little bit while Matt waited in a line to get his camera back. We parted ways and went to this like, food mini mall or something. Burger king was the only FOOD thing open though. So Steph and Kayla got drinks and I waited on the line they had. The set up was really stupid. But the food was amazing so whatevs.
I think we were all either sleeping or in a daze on the ride home. Got home around 3. took a shower. past out. wonderful.
So yeah. I hung out with Alex the next day and we watched the Slipknot dvd and stuff. Today I was a bum, I went to bed around 10 ish. my dag got me this McGriddle thing, but I was so tired I like, took it from him, then feel back a sleep. 5 hours later I wake up and I'm still cradling this thing LOL. I heated it up and ate it. It seemed like it would have been amazing if I had eaten it right away LOL.
So yeah. Been a bum all day. Slept. Blagh. I need a life. :P
PS I think cannibal corpse is growing on me haha.