Aug 06, 2009 22:06
knows he knows not a damn thing at all."
As we get older we begin to experience the difficulties of life and how to conquer it successfully. We all have our own problems and views, which makes it difficult for people to see eye to eye. We get stuck in our ways, and completely stubborn in our views, sometimes not even listening to others. Claiming we are open minded but really we all have our preset ideals. As humans we all experience and learn at different time periods, and some learn faster how life works.
Love, family, and friends are all important parts of everyone's lives but in different ways. Everyone has different experiences with each subject, some have it good, a happy home, with family and friends who are always there. Some have it the opposite. Unfortunately we can't all be happy simultaneously, some have to suffer while others prevail. Opinions on how things work in a family setting differ from experience, and knowledge. Some will listen to others, some will stay stuck in their own ways.
As people we choose our own future, and how we are going to learn from the present. We have to make tough decisions, about life, love, friends and family. We all have to grow up, and start acting our age, because if we don't, we will grow into people we swore we would never be.
We all live and we all learn from it. The only options we have is to either benefit from it, or never change.