I went to bed early last night, and I slept like the dead. I got up and took the boys to school, but then decided to lie down for another nap before work.
I wish I hadn't.
I had the worst dream. In my dream, I still knew it was a dream, and I was wishing I would wake up. I was begging for the dream to stop, for what was happening to stop, but it wouldn't, and I was crying so much. I was bawling when I woke up, and my pillow was all wet. It was the kind of dream that seemed so real, and I was left feeling very edgy all the way through my shower before work.
I should've just gone to get groceries during that time, as I had originally planned to do. The boys and I just returned from getting them now, listening to thunder from inside the commissary the whole time. Now I'm just waiting for the "Put Away Fairy" to show up...