I'm interrupting the trio of Jack's birthday posts to get this one up in a timely manner: The First Day of School!
Walking down the path together.
Today was a happy day for me. It was a tiny bit sad, for now both of my "little" ones are off to real school, but mostly it was full of proud and happy moments. I know without a doubt in my deepest heart-of-hearts that holding Jack back last year was the absolute best gift we could have given him in regards to his school career, and the confidence and self-esteem he had as he set down the walk today practically left his footprints in the stone.
A.J. never ceases to amaze, either. He is ready for a new year of learning, ready to soak up the most knowledge he can, and he's also really excited about sharing "his" school with Jack for the first time. He was just as proud of Jack as I was, and that was a pleasant revelation. He is in charge of walking Jack to his classroom each morning until we're sure that Jack will get there on his own without dawdling, and he will gather Jack at his classroom door each afternoon before they walk to the exit together each afternoon.
At the 'Meet the Teacher' event this past Thursday night, Jack was a bundle of energy and ease. He had been sorted into Mrs. Mutzenberger's classroom, and, while we had never met the teacher before, Jack was extremely familiar with the classroom - it was the exact same one he'd been in during the three weeks of summer school back in June. Not only that, but several of his friends from summer school were also in his class, and he greeted them heartily while his friends returned in kind. He was giddy to see that his desk was even right next to his buddy, Tyler - awesome! (Bets on how long the teacher will keep these two super-chatters together? *wink*)
A.J. has a young teacher that is newer to the school, but Ms. Johnson seems extremely warm and friendly. She made a fast friend in A.J. when she readily responded to his enthusiasm for Harry Potter. He'd been explaining to her that he'd just finished reading Book One, and that he was about three chapters into Book Two, and she was able to get on his level and "talk shop." I'm excited for him to have just as great a year as the past two have been.
And speaking of Harry Potter, it really has been amazing to see A.J. come to love the series in a new way - his own way - as he finally journeys into the books. He'd asked many times in the past couple of years to read the books, but I didn't want him to become overwhelmed with the heavier text of the books by reading them too soon, so I always told him that he could read them once he turned nine (the Scholastic targeted reading age is 9-12 years). In the last month, however, especially with the influence of a "very Harry" summer, it's been a driving desire of his to begin reading. I caved, and I let him start Book One about two weeks ago. He chose to buy the paperback with his money, and he read it cover-to-cover in six days. And he was plugging away at me with questions every time he looked up from the book, asking about things that were different in detail from the films, so I'm certain that he truly read it. Then we spent over two days searching for Book Two in paperback before we located it (all the bookstores are short on the paperbacks right now, in the wake of the release of Book Seven, it seems), and I thought he might just crawl up the wall. He's over halfway through it as well now, and I went ahead and picked up his own copy of Book Three last night to have ready (but he's buying it himself - I just didn't feel comfortable walking away from it while I had it available).
So I have my HP books, and A.J. has his very own. We each love them in our own way, and it wonderful to share such a special connection with him as he begins to truly appreciate one of my favorite things. :-)
But now, onto the pictures of the day. There are several of them - enjoy!
Jack, the Kindergartener.
A.J., the Fourth Grader.
A.J. looks back as Jack decides to be goofy and walk the path backwards.
Crossing the street.
The school's welcome message on the marquee.
Out the door at the end of the day.
Jack walks to the crossing guard.
Crossing the crosswalk.
Posed picture after school.