After a full week of everyone being well in our house, it seems that one of us is down again. :-(
A.J. has been sleeping all day in his room. I had my alarm set for church this morning. The boys usually wake up before I do and just play quietly. But when I got up and went into the kitchen to fix breakfast, Jack informed me that A.J. wasn't feeling good and had gone back to bed. I went to check on him and, sure enough, he had the bright pink cheeks and burning forehead that tells me he's really sick. So we didn't go to church, and A.J. didn't wake up again until 1pm.
Over the past several hours now, he's run a pretty steady 103° temp. He won't be able to go to school tomorrow, and I've already called Runza about not coming in. Of the few people who can watch the boys for me, there's not anyone I can/will expose to this "mystery fever" that A.J.'s got, so I've got to stay home with him myself.
I'm ready for no more sick days. :-/