
May 08, 2006 16:53

Alrightee, it's time for a meme post. I rarely ever do memes, mainly because they're just not my thing. If I do feel like doing a meme, I generally try to just do it in the comments of whichever post I saw it. Still, I've been tagged for a few, and I'd like to take a moment to do them, since some dear friends did tag me so nicely. *wink*

Tagged by purrrplekitty in this post, I am to do the following:

List up to ten (10) things you want to say to ten (10) different people. Do not state who these people are. Do not confirm or deny any 'comment speculation.' Tag five (5) people.

Well, here goes:
1. You're steady. You're constant, and I really admire that about you. You seem at peace with your life, like you really don't have a care what others might think about you. I sometimes really wish I could be in that place, as I have so far to go in that regard.

2. We don't really have that much in common, when it comes right down to it. I sometimes feel that if we knew each other in person, you'd really feel that I wasn't "good enough" for you. But our online friendship seems to move along swimmingly, and I'm content with that.

3. Holy cow, but I'd really like to be locked in a room with just you... ;-)

4. We've met great people through one another, but it's still not fair that we've not yet had a chance to meet ourselves! I really can't wait for that day, though I hope that you don't lose interest before then.

5. I really worry about you. A lot, actually. I'm not sure you're heading through life the right way, but I'm no expert at it myself. I think you don't believe in yourself enough, really, and that's what's holding you back.

6. Your comments rile me sometimes, but I try really hard not to let it show. I couldn't imagine my journal without you, but I will admit there is a bit of dissonance there. :-/

7. You are such a kind soul, and I know that from my own experience. When you post, you post things frankly - you say what you mean, and I can identify with that. Sadly, I don't see you much anymore.

8. You are Supermom, I swear it. I know that you really must wear a tight-fitting uniform with cape and be able to jump to the next event with a single moments' notice - you are amazing. You constantly reflect a calm attitude as well, and I'm baffled by how organized and put-together you always seem. Your kids are darn cute, too!

9. You are one of my oldest and dearest friends. I talk about you (to my hubby and 'real-life' friends, that is) like I really do know you in person - mainly because your writing makes me feel that I do.

10. You're younger than you seem, and that's actually a compliment in this case. You have a lot of wisdom, I think, and you're very level-headed. You're prolific in posting, and I rarely find my friends' list lacking because of you.

Tagged by grrrangel in this post, I'm to follow these instructions:

Name ten of life's simple pleasures that you like most, then pick ten people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not to use things that someone else has already used.

And my answers are:
1. "New Book Sound." Though the different smells of new books can vary greatly (and some papers and/or inks can be pleasant, while others are mildly off-putting to my sensitive nasal cavities), the cricky, crackly sound of opening a brand-new book is divine. Ahhhh - it's the sound of calm, of mystery, of adventure, of romance, of language. It's love that lets you break it in.

2. A household of sleeping boys. It's nice when I'm napping/sleeping with them, of course, but sometimes it's extra-special to be tiptoe around the house and peek in on my sleepyheads.

3. Finishing up a box of stationery. I like finishing up things in general, but the feeling is particular nice when I'm wrapping up the last notecard or letter in a box, and I think that stems from knowing that I've reached out to that many more people in a personal way.

4. Belly laughs. Of course, I enjoy a good belly laugh myself from time to time, but I really love hearing them from my boys. Not just a giggle, not a regular laugh - a full-blown, clutching the belly laugh that resonates from deep within. It's good when I've done something to cause the belly laugh, but it's even better when one of the boys has made the other one laugh in such a way - it warms my heart more than I could put into words that they have that wonderful connection.

5. Walking on smooth rocks. I'm not a sandy girl - the grit gets between my toes and in my nails and drives me insane. And who likes walking on hard/sharp rocks? But I do love walking on river rocks or stones, or over small pebbles. In the water or not, it's still a cooling, calming way to pass the time (and get from one place to another!), and I enjoy the slippery surface and bit of balance-play.

6. "Cocoa Froth." I love cocoa, but I'm particular fond of the skim of fluffy froth that forms at the top of each toasty mug.

7. Kitty purrs. Specifically, I love it when a kitty is purring so softly that you have to sorta feel under their chin and neck to really hear it.

8. Mail. I love mail, any kind. My mom used to send me her junk mail even, because she knew I liked mail so much and (at the time), I didnt' yet receive much of my own (that's been remedied now).

9. Milk cups. To clarify, I've always found it amusing and fun to "suck" a plastic cup to my face once I was finished drinking the milk inside. It's stupid, yes, but it's fun.

10. Reading backwards. I've done it for as long as I can remember, but it's fun to find neat little words when you purposely spell or pronounce them backwards.

And lastly, gardenmama tagged me for this meme way back in December (and yeah, I kept it bookmarked in my 'Favorites' all this time!), and it's high-time I get to doing it. (Later on, angelrose tagged me for the same meme.) The rules for this one are as follows:

The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yours" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

And here's the further proof that I'm a freak:
1. I hate writing with pencils, and I'll go to almost any length to avoid doing so. If it is unavoidable, I'll do it. However, if the pencil makes even the tiniest scritch-scratchy sound while I'm writing, I have to "wet" both the pencil and my fingers before I can continue (I reason with myself that this will help with the horrible sound). To "wet" them, I'll lick my left fingertip and gently wipe the tip of the pencil and the fingers that were touching it at the time. But yick - I really just try to avoid pencils at all cost.

2. I fold my toilet paper precisely on the perforated lines. I will go practically insane when I get that random roll of toilet paper where the two-ply doesn't line up, and I'll separate it and re-line the squares before I'll use them.

3. Somewhat along the same line as the one above, I only eat french fries in pairs of equal length. If there's not a french fry in length to match up to another one, I'll leave it instead.

4. I will NOT use the scroll-y feature on my mouse. My old mouse didn't have it, and I've had this one for a month now, and I don't like it. I can't stand it. I hate it when my finger accidentally 'bumps' into it. Grrrr.

5. I wash my belly-button first thing in every shower or bath. I dunno why...

If I have missed a meme that you tagged me for, I apologize gravely. Like I said, I just don't really get into these things much, and sometimes I forget to go back and bookmark them for doing later. *shrug*

Now, you might have noticed that if tagging someone else was a key clause in the end of the meme, I've not done it. However, if anyone feels like jumping in, they are more than welcome to take the meme and start splashing around. *wink*

Wow, I'm slow. It took me just over an HOUR to do those! (Now you know why I don't do them often!)

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