I just spent the last hour figuring out how to add a 'tag' index to my journal. I've seen tags listed on lots of different journal types, but I wanted a scroll bar for my own, knowing that I've used a lot of tags already (and I can foresee the list only getting longer).
Once I did that, I also added a tags scrollbar to
draco_hermione, but I had to re-up it to paid status to do so. A couple of months ago, I spent about a week tagging back through tons of old entries there, trying to make it much easier to find works by title, author or rating, but I kinda lost steam when I couldn't figure out how to add the tags to the sidebar. Since the community's layout is 'Flexible Squares' and my own is 'Component,' I had to do some tweaking and learning. It's all fixed now, and there are many more tags in that community, so the scrollbar was a necessity.
/geek speak
The boys went to bed early again tonight. All this playing in the snow really wears them out, I think. I went grocery-shopping this afternoon and bought three walk-out carts full (the shelved dollies that they bring your stuff out to your car on), and it was only $212, including the tip! I was pleasantly surprised. I'd not done a big shopping trip in a long while - since the weekend before Philip came home, I think - so we needed lots of household stuff, in addition to lots of food.
It's now about three weeks until we fly home. We're going to West Virginia on the 26th, and we'll be back on the 3rd. I didn't want to be away from our own home on Christmas Day, so we're going the next day instead, and we'll spend New Year's Day with all of Philip's family back home. I'm making all kinds of lists in my head, starting to get in "travel mode." :-)
I'm off to fold some laundry and get to bed early, I think. A.J. asked me tonight if he could have oatmeal for breakfast tomorrow, and I told him that we would. We don't usually eat breakfast really, much less hot ones (the boys usually have cereal or something, and I'll eat some granola bars or nothing at all), so I'll have to get up just a bit earlier to make sure we can get breakfast made, eaten and cleaned up by the usual time. I might even make the boys their second tastes of hot cocoa! ;-)