Raining cats and dogs.

Sep 13, 2005 15:28

Crazy weather today, folks. I was glad to have run all the errands and played outside this morning because it was very cool and quite overcast - setting the day up for perfect afternoon naps. As I was finishing up at the computer by noon, the thunder was coming pretty quick. By the time I snuggled under the covers for a nap, it was raining pretty hard. When the alarm went off to wake me up, it was bright and sunshine-y again!


As for the seasons, my pal
Jamie is dying for fall to arrive. On the other hand, I talked to my friend Ann on the phone this morning, and she isn't yet ready to let go of summer. As for me, I'm certainly ready for it to "look" like fall, but I'm not entirely sure I'm wanting the cooler temperatures just yet. I'm perfectly happy right now with fall coming in slowly. :-)

Yesterday morning when we left to drop Jack off at preschool, there was an orange-colored cat walking along the top of our courtyard fence. It looked pretty thin, and it mewed at me in a scared tone. Jack continued to buckle into his carseat, and I ran back in the house and filled a dish with kitty kibble and placed it under the carport dividing wall. Hours later, all I could see that had changed was that the food was then covered with ants. This morning, however, the food dish was completely empty - not ONE tiny morsel remained. Hmmm...

We dropped off the invitations with A.J.'s teacher promptly at 11am and then came straight back home. As I was driving down 34th street, a little weiner dog was walking slowly in the middle of the road. I came to a full stop and allowed it time to get to one side or the other, but it just wasn't interested in going anywhere. I thought it might be a dog I knew, so I turned on my hazard lights, got out of the car and called to it. As soon as I opened the door, though, the little dog sped off down Grand Forks avenue. I kept calling it, but all it did was bark and run further away every time I tried to speak to it, so I finally just got back in the car and came the last few blocks home. I looked up the folks in the phone book and called them to let them know, but there was no answer, so I left messages. :-/

And that's about when it started raining, too. A full-circle post, this is! :-D

a.j.'s party, animals, rain

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