Jan 25, 2011 21:04
You know how clutter happens? It's just little moments of laziness.
That's all. Just a tiny moment where you think, "Oh, I'll file that bill later," or, "I'll make a stack right here of things to take upstairs when I go later on." It's things like that, and I'm so guilty of it.
Nonetheless, I just opened the day's mail, and I placed the bills in the Mail Basket on the wall, filed the statements in the filing cabinet, threw away the envelopes, and shredded the unimportant papers. These are all things that took less than a minute, and yet I put them off all the time, making "file" or "shred" stacks on my desk.
I just need to keep the momentum going. For now, the count stands thusly: Day 3 - perfectly clear desk. :-)