
Feb 04, 2010 07:01

Aaaaaand, I'm awake.

A couple nights ago, once "Boy Bedtime" was complete, Philip and I snuggled in to watch the latest episode of CSI: Miami on the DVR, followed by a movie. We chose Year One, and it was predictable Jack Black/Michael Cera humor. We chuckled and had a good time. After a couple weeks of insane bedtimes, I was struggling to see the very, very end of it though, so I headed on to bed afterwards (around 12:30am or so). Philip came to bed around 3am.

The next night, we were going to watch a movie again, but I just couldn't - I was so tired. I fell into bed by 11pm. Yesterday, I was awake by 7:15, and I laid there for a bit before finally getting out of bed at 7:45am. Jack woke up within 5 minutes, and then he and A.J. were both "up at at 'em" a full 20 minutes before we'd normally have woken them for school. They watched a bit of cartoons after breakfast then, before donning all their snowgear for school.

Last night, I fell asleep during the opening credits of Zombieland at 10pm exactly. Within minutes, I decided to head to bed, and Philip then finished the movie himself. Today, I woke up by 5:45.

Philip works midnight shifts, so he leaves at 4pm, and he gets home in the mornings between 6:30-7am. He usually takes an hour or so to unwind and snack before coming to bed. These last few weeks, I've stayed up later and later, and several times I've still been awake when he arrives home. This week, it seems to have caught up with me. On his days off, he keeps more of a "swing-shift" routine, going to bed usually in the neighborhood of 2-3am, so that he can still function with the rest of us during the daytime. He's had the last three days off, he works tonight, and then - as luck would have it - he has the next three days off, too. :-)

Speaking of time off, he has 64 days of tax-free, combat-zone leave left to use up by September 30th of this year. In the eight months left from February-September, that works out to be eight days/month. On Friday, we'll sit down and look at our calendars, planning for big chunks of time he will put in for to use it up. In addition to that, he has 57 days of regular leave (he always has huge amounts of leave built-up, as Offutt was always so critically-manned that he could hardly ever get time off to use his leave). In other words, he could essentially take the next FOUR MONTHS off, not going back to work until June. He won't, of course, but that's how much leave time he has built-up right now.

From the moment I was awake, I was salivating over the idea of a banana and a glass of milk. I have this now in front of me, and it is yummy. I think I'm going to whip up some blueberry muffins in a few minutes to have fresh and warm for the boys' breakfasts in an hour or so. I'm sure I'll be ready for a nap later on today, too. *wink*

sleep, philip's work, breakfast

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