Jun 06, 2005 13:38

10 Random things about me
10. I have 6 siblings
09. Love the color orange
08. I have a secret crush
07. I would risk my life to save somebody else's
06. I wanna join the Navy
05. I have many friends
04. None of them truly know me as well as the
03. One best friend who does
02. I love volleyball
01. I love to listen to random music

9 Places that I have been
09. Great Lakes Naval Base
08. Washington DC
07. Florida
06. Iowa
05. Vermont
04. The Zoo
03. Tennessee
02. The Beach
01. Michigan

8 Things I wanna do before I die
08. Randomly kiss someone
07. Join the Navy
06. Live a happy life
05. Be happily married with great kids
04. Win lots of $ in the lotto
03. and give it all to charity
02. Fall in love with a man who will be there to catch me
01. Thank everybody that have truly changed my life

7 ways to steal my heart
07. quote my favorite movie or songs
06. kiss me-- some place unexpected

05. tell the truth no matter what

04. understand that i have a lot of flaws

03. make me feel important

02. sing for me, even if you can't

01. tell me when you honestly think about me

6 Things I believe in

06. God

05. Nobody is happy all the time

04. friendships

03. myself

02. honesty

01. life isn't fair

5 Things I am afraid of

05. Spiders

04. Bridges

03. Fear will take over my life

02. Losing my loved ones

01. A broken heart

4 of my favorite things in my room

04. Bed

03. Navy sign

02. Mirror

01. Photo albums

3 Things I do everyday

03. Shower

02. Brush my teeth

01. Listen to music

2 Things I am trying not to do right now

02. Think

01. Worry

1 person I wish I could see right now

01. There is more than one

I just ound out that my cuzin might come visit me for the summer, that'll rock. I had lifting today, it was CROWDED. Ummm... yesturday we found a baby bird that fell outta our tree, it is so cute. Annoying, but nonetheless cute. Ummm.. I think that is about all. I ma gonna go get ready for a meeting
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