
Jun 12, 2012 23:47

I'm so proud of Remy and his vocabulary. I was driving to our hotel tonight and Remy was talking to me. I was mmmhmmming him and he said "No. Cow moo. Cow eat food. Cow hungry. Cow eat the food." Now, there weren't any cows around that I saw, but I was floored! He's only 20 months.

Later tonight I was talking to Josh about the cow conversation and I told him I thought Remy had more than 100 words. Josh disagreed so I decided to count. I stopped counting at 100 but there were plenty more to go.

I still feel that I'm making it up as I go when it comes to parenting so when I realize something like this I get all warm and fuzzy. Maybe I'm doing something right after all!

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