Sep 16, 2010 14:47
(I know that this is not the best thing I've written, but I want to write it down, get some opinions, and maybe continue it. We'll see where it goes.)
I never claimed I was innoccent. Or that I was always the victim. Or that I never felt the stress. Truth is that I do and I'm not. When things don't go my way, I become what my parents call The Screamer. It's a nasty reputation, but it's the one they give me. Can't say I don't live up to it. I do. I'm very much a screamer when things don't go my way.
Planning my wedding? I nearly lost my voice from screaming. I wish I could say it was yelling, but nope. It was all out screaming. The vendors messed up. The groom messed up. The bridal party messed up. Even I messed up. Not that I would own that I dd, but I did.
How, in the midst of all that screaming, did I end up with the perfect wedding and not a friend lost, I'll never know. But, I didn't.
Now, as my marriage progresses, I'm trying harder and harder to leave The Screamer behind since my husband won't give in if she makes an appearance. Wish me luck.