Some thoughts?

Mar 25, 2009 13:28

I don't know...I know there'll be at least one person reading this entry and say whatever she/he wants to say, and those comments will be deleted.

But, no matter how much we all love our lives, there is always going to be something missing. No one has the perfect matter what they say. We all have something missing.

Me? It's love.

I'm single and, while 99 times out of 100, I'm happy and content with it, there are times that loneliness strikes me and I realize what I'm missing. But, while I'm down today, I'm not lonesome. I just decided I'm going to write what ever comes to my mind.

A couple weeks ago, I was feeling really lonesome. Crawling into a cold bed and having a nightmare and having noone to calm me down, made me sad. Not depressed. Not overly sad, but I felt the emptiness.

Of course, I'll feel lonely. It's natural. Even amongst friends, we all can feel alone and lonely. We all have something in our lives that only we can completely understand. Not even our closest friends can understand.

Like the other night, I was crying because I hate the Pacific Northwest and feel completely imprisoned here. I felt alone...and then my best friend and I got to talking and just being able to talk about how I felt was, A) very unusual for me, so it shows how good of a friend she is, and B) made me feel a little better. Though I was still alone in my homesickness, there was someone there who truly cared, not pretended to care.

Those friends are few and they tend to buffer the loneliness I feel from time to time. It is friends like that that we all need. Someone that will listen to us and love us unconditionally, allowing us to return the favour.

Am I lonely today? A little. Is it depressing? No. Am I little saddened by it? Yeah...but only a little.

Don't ever be afraid to talk about how lonely you are. Those who claim they are never lonely or they have the perfect life are liars.

There is no one alive who hasn't felt alone and lonely at some given point in their life and no one's life is that perfect.

Don't be afraid to show your imperfections. It's what makes you perfect. It's what makes you human.

I had a friend who tried to sell me that her life was perfect. I called her out on it. We haven't spoken for years. Especially after I found out the truth about her life. I'm not going to give details, but her life was not what she was selling. I knew it and she knew I knew.

I have people to this day try to sell me their life is perfect and they're never lonely and there's nothing wrong with them and stuff like that. I've had people tell me there's something wrong with me.

Sure there is.

It's called being human.

I refuse to talk about how so called perfect my life is. It's not. It's not the best life ever, but with every life there's problems. No matter how perfect your life seems.

Michael Phelps anyone?

But, even in the midst of my 'lonely days', I realize that I have the biggest blessing of all. I have a mom that I can call and open up to and talk to about anything. I have a couple best friends that I can call (the bestest friend lives close by) and cry about the fact that my washing machine broke and laugh over the fact that my dryer vent is broken and I have lint flying around my house. life is blessed...cracks and all. :)


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