i was told to post this to you guys...

Feb 02, 2006 00:56

Aerokissfan88: back
navipenguin: it would seem
Aerokissfan88: lol
Aerokissfan88: blar blar
navipenguin: really?
navipenguin: oh shit why didnt anybody tell me
navipenguin: ::runs off to go check it::
Aerokissfan88: I'm glad I'm the one to tell you. B/c I fucking care aboot my friends, I just won't leave them in the dark
Aerokissfan88: especially under the "blar blar" emergency situation
navipenguin: what did you mean blar blar
navipenguin: his water and food were both full
navipenguin: you must have clearly got the signals mixed up
Aerokissfan88: lol
Aerokissfan88: what?!
navipenguin: lol
Aerokissfan88: no, man!
Aerokissfan88: surely not, no!
navipenguin: yes, women?
Aerokissfan88: oh, dear god!
navipenguin: jimmy will do thank you
Aerokissfan88: oy
navipenguin: now go in the kitchen and make me a sandwich bitch!
navipenguin: ill smite you i swear it by my father
navipenguin: lol
Aerokissfan88: I would be able to make you a fucking sandwich, "massah", if you'd bring some goddamn money in the house to even PAY for the groceries
Aerokissfan88: you dead-beat asshole
Aerokissfan88: lol
navipenguin: hey
navipenguin: holy man here
navipenguin: died for your sins
navipenguin: what the hell do you want me to do?
navipenguin: jesus!
navipenguin: i mean seriously here
navipenguin: i turn water to wine and help the blind see and she wants me to get a fucking job.....
Aerokissfan88: uh, yeah
Aerokissfan88: or at least charge for these "miracles"
navipenguin: cant
navipenguin: ...father will ground me
Aerokissfan88: then, it'd be a miracle if we had power & could pay the bills
navipenguin: and hes pretty strict
navipenguin: na uh uhhhh
navipenguin: theres a rule to the miracles hun
navipenguin: sorry
Aerokissfan88: well, then, I don't think this'll work out
navipenguin: clearly
navipenguin: goddamnit
navipenguin: oh well
Aerokissfan88: we had a good run
Aerokissfan88: and other things
navipenguin: easy for you to say
navipenguin: you try runnign with a 90 pound slab of wood tied to your arms
navipenguin: ungratful shmuk
Aerokissfan88: I didn't say you
Aerokissfan88: I said we, dipshit
navipenguin: oh good
navipenguin: hey
navipenguin: now thats not nice
Aerokissfan88: ...neither is your face
navipenguin: =-O
navipenguin: >:o
navipenguin: ::raises hands towards sky::
navipenguin: thats it bitch prepare to be smote!
navipenguin: OH!
navipenguin: TAKE THAT
Aerokissfan88: Hey, man. I have some advice to tell you
navipenguin: thats what you get when you mess with the j-man
navipenguin: you get smited by goda hima selfa
Aerokissfan88: You know, I believe you have a problem
navipenguin: lol
navipenguin: a bit mayhaps
Aerokissfan88: and, you're taking it to the extreme
Aerokissfan88: I mean, this whole "tree-hugging" thing you've got going on
Aerokissfan88: it was ok when you had the sandals, baggy clothing & the long hair & scruffy look going on
Aerokissfan88: but fucking nailing yourself to one?
Aerokissfan88: You need to join a group.
navipenguin: yeah but you fuckers didnt cut it down did you
navipenguin: HAH
navipenguin: OH
Aerokissfan88: no
navipenguin: juzuz one, fucktards, ZERO BABY!
Aerokissfan88: It was more fun staying on the ground saying, "wow...look at him go..."
Aerokissfan88: then, some random bird flew past & shat in your mouth
navipenguin: yeah well i went longer then most men so there
Aerokissfan88: J-man 1, Bird-5
navipenguin: pfft
navipenguin: clearly your not aware of the nurturing value of bird shit
Aerokissfan88: it's not about whether or not it's good for you or how enjoyabe you find the taste to be
Aerokissfan88: it's just b/c your pride got shattered
Aerokissfan88: by a chickadee's sphincter
navipenguin: ouch
navipenguin: thats jsut fucking low
Aerokissfan88: see?
Aerokissfan88: J-man 1, Bird-5
navipenguin: ill make sure your unborn child gets rapped by hundreds of demons
navipenguin: just for that
navipenguin: your little babys gonna be an ugly one too
navipenguin: so there
Aerokissfan88: too bad I'm pregnant with yours, so it's BOUND to be ugly
Aerokissfan88: OH!
Aerokissfan88: OUCH
navipenguin: yes but you got laid by the j-man
Aerokissfan88: *ass rammage! tee-hee*
Aerokissfan88: yeah, an I was a little disappointed
navipenguin: pfft
navipenguin: you didnt complain then
Aerokissfan88: I didn't even feel...healed
navipenguin: i wasnt aiming to heal you
navipenguin: and i wasnt aiming to please ether
Aerokissfan88: I kept saying "Oh jesus" b/c I wanted you to get off my hair. you were leaning on it
navipenguin: i was aiming for your face but missed lol
Aerokissfan88: I felt like I could've wasted those minutes by painting my nails or tipping cows
Aerokissfan88: instead of whatever was supposed to happen
navipenguin: pfft you liked it and you know it
navipenguin: it was the most holy thing that would ever happen in YOUR life anyway
Aerokissfan88: heh
Aerokissfan88: "holey" indeed
navipenguin: and just what the hell is that supposed to mean
Aerokissfan88: you take however you wanna
Aerokissfan88: but on that note
Aerokissfan88: since I am pregnant with your ugly baby
Aerokissfan88: I'm gonna need some sleep
navipenguin: pfft
navipenguin: whatever
navipenguin: ill talk to you later
navipenguin: this isnt over
Aerokissfan88: no, seriously, I gotta makeup a lit test @ 7:45
navipenguin: oh ok
navipenguin: then ill talk to you later hun
navipenguin: ::hug::
navipenguin: thanks for joking around with me

yeah....i thought t was funny as hell....

thank you courtney for that wonderful convo <(^-^)>
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