There is really nothing to report, but I feel like writing an entry anyway.
So, let's see... went and saw The Devil Wears Prada the other night. Made me never want to eat again. I wish I had a job that I could raid a closet full of Couture every day. Goddamn, I love clothes. I could be such a little fashionista if I wanted to (and if I lost like, eighty pounds). Anne Hathaway is so pretty. People tell me I look like her-- well, Mom and Bridget have, but I've heard it from customers a lot lately.
"Hey! You look like that girl from that movie!" they say.
"Oh, Anne Hathaway from The Devil Wears Prada?" I now answer automatically.
"Yeah, that's it!"
I never would have made the comparison before, but I after watching every one of her facial expressions for two hours, I could see that Anne is a size 4 version of me. There's a likeness in our eyes and mouths. ("You have the same brow line and same shaped face" Bridget added.) Now, I'm not saying that ZOMGWERETWINS! or anything, but there's definitely a resemblance. Anyway, being compared to a hot celebrity is always a nice complement. You know, just saying.
So, I'm looking forward to the weekend. It's going to be a good one between painting the house, hanging out with a certain guy (yay!), cat sitting, trying to stay cool (as it's going to in the nineties all weekend) and catching up on my reading. Right now I'm reading a book called Vanishing Acts by Jodi Picoult which is fantastic so far. I can hardly put it down.
I'm not sure if I mentioned this in s previous post, but I'm driving down to Florida next month to visit my sister. Mom's coming with me. When I get back, it'll be time for school again, and I'm SO looking forward to this semester. It's going to be a lot of work, but the classes should be great. I'm already trying to come up with topics for memoir writing. I'm wicked excited for it, but at the same time part of me is afraid that I'm not good enough and I'll totally embarrass myself with my shitty writing. When I go back and reread work I've written, ninety percent of the time I'm horrified. I consider most of this journal to be the whiny indulgences of a wannabe writer. Sometimes I'm not sure why I keep writing.
But whatever-- that's typical Tara behavior. I'll never be as good as I think I should be. My expectations will always be higher than I can reach. I have issues with always wanting to be the best at whatever I do. Hopefully some day I'll learn how not to be a perfectionist.
I just have to keep telling myself that as long as I try my best, I'll always do well.
I always do.