Self pity and such

Dec 02, 2003 11:06

Don't you just hate the Flu bugs? I had to sacrifice my online-ish time since Sunday (before that only managed a short time in Sat -_-) after catching a cold and fever while sitting at the rinkside watching Disney On Ice. I'm diagnosed with low blood pressure too - frequent migraines and blackouts T___T which I thought meant I should take more sugar but instead it's take more pills! Eew yuch.

Though, watching DoI - Beauty and the Beast was really really cool! The prince is really yummylicious, and extremely talented even with that huge beast mask. Gaston... aah~ Gaston... remember the part in the inn where he sings something about "hairs on my chest" and opens his shirt? This live-action one did that too, with a visual difference - he doesn't have no hair on his chest! :D

I wanna be an iceskater.... :(

And just when I'm feeling slightly better, I woke up to find a huge bump on my eye. T_T Yeah so now my right eye's larger than my left, and I can't go out.

btw, Mint, I've given the package to my mom today (sorry for dreadful wrappings of brown paper and newspaper - migraines making it hard to see ><) ^__^ She's gonna post it for me, so hopefully it'll arrive before next week!

Was just idly surfing around AllAnime when I clicked on a review for Ai no Kusabi, which was a big mistake ^^;. Seki Toshihiko is part of the main cast ! - I thought, and went around nosing for more information, being the maniacal fan I am and since that review never said how far this show goes. >< After several dozen clicks, found some jaw-dropping information --->

Seki Toshihiko, Ishida Akira, Miki Shin'ichirou and Koyasu Takehito all have been in the casts of blatant yaoi-anime productions before. All my favorite seiyuus, whom I thought only did slight shounen ai and mostly shoujo anime, and would never have dreamt that...


And loads of yaoisque Drama CDs info with them in the same cast are floating around too. Complete with the CD serial numbers.


I feel like running to NikoNiko Doh in MV now and demand for those drama CDs!! *_* I want them alll !! *squeals madly* Especially those with Seki Toshihiko SAMA~ ! OH I want I want I want~!

And I've just read the info on Love Mode. Love the art !!! Hesitating to download it though, NC17? But but but!!! SEKI TOSHIHIKO is in the LM Drama cd CAST ! ! ! I want the drama cds T_____T

O~ka~ne~ o sagashite....

*runs off to watch Ranma 1/2*
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