july_rhapsody and
lunesin, I've just gotten the RO Xmas pack CD for you guys (both of you share one is it okay? ^^:;;) Problem is how I'm going to get it here since my mum's given me horror stories on CD Custom Checks and all that sh*t. If you have some nice tips on how to wrap it up nicely so that the customs won't be able to see it, please do tell me X_x. And yeah, it looks like we don't have to pay the subscription till end of this year/early next year.
Oh and actually I didn't technically get it ^^; My niichan bought a whole pack and became Mr Santa so I sneaked an extra from him.
By the way, there's an RO Lucky Draw Contest form in there which you have to fill in and send it over to the nearest CC ^^ Do you want me to fill it in for you? Who's contact number and add should I put? o.0