Jul 06, 2005 17:28
First something unimportant in comparison to the rest. When I first posted my icon pic on myspace I loved it. It wasn't until Alysha posted a comment that I noticed the Altoids in my pants looked a litle funny. I noticed all of a sudden my profile views skyrocketed. At first I was like, I guess I'm just awesome. Or perhaps people just can't see me clearly in the pic. I really like this pic. It's black and white, and it's me being me. My sister wanted to take a pic right before she dropped me off for graduation. So I just struck a pose. Now I'm starting to think differently.
First to G8. Bryce and I had an arguement a little while ago about it. Bryce was completely for it, and I'm against it. Today I found out George Bush gives the some of the same reasons as me. What's the point in giving money to corrupt countries? I doubt the money will make it to the people who need it. It isn't even as simple as setting reforms. I have no idea how to better Africa, I merely know this isn't going to be it.
I had a shit load of things to say about G8. If anybody saw Oprah, I wanted to talk about that too. If you haven't, you have to go to Oprah.com now. And also about the direction of my life. How I want to do something about the world's problems. I just got really crappy news. I'll probably post later. I wanna get out of here now.