Jan 26, 2009 08:26
Boris and Jacqui interviewing for the new head of police...
That's an interview everyone wants to be in, right? Just for the laughs if anything. They're like the odd couple, Old Tory, New Labour, Public school, State school, Cambridge, Oxford, male, female... as far as we know, anyway.
When Radio Four accounced this, apart from giggling like a four year old, I also had the weird idea that they might spontenaiously burst into song.
You say tomato...
You say... well, it, er depends on the, err, pronounciational constitution of the...
And apparently Boris will 'seduce' Jacqui? That's a wonderful mental image to have before going into lectures. How would he do it?
Oh, Jacqui... Your policies on a police officer for every crime victim really brings out the brown in your eyes... <3