I was asked yesterday how old I am, which made me realise I've been 19 for over a month now. Which means, if my calculations are correct, that it is almost September. Can you believe it? I certainly can't, but here I am looking up at my calendar, realising that I've only got three weeks left of uni before the holidays. I feel like I've slept through the past five weeks.
And then I realise: if it's almost September, it's almost spring. That's right. Winter will be over in a week, and that brings us one step closer to summer. I've never been much of a summer bunny; I was an overweight, shy and self-conscious child up until about 18 months ago. But right now, I feel myself being buffeted internally by this consuming optimism; I find myself dreaming of short flighty dresses, bikinis, beers on the balcony in the sun, falling asleep at the beach, Mossy Point, Christmas morning, New Year's Eve, sweat, sex, salt, holidays, freedom, hot breezes, scorching bitumen, thongs, Foster, freckles, Ray Bans, leaving the windows open at night, barbecues and shimmering waves...
So, to keep myself from going insane with impatience, I've decided to make some mixes; my own personal collection of quintessential spring and summer tunes.
And also maybe post some essential summer images.
To keep me going, here are some images of my current girlcrushes.
I definitely have a type. This is (l-r) Natalie Portman, Daisy Lowe and Megan from the Vice fashion story "Vicki's Old Room" in the 2008 Fashion Issue. BRB CHANGING KNICKERS