Aug 04, 2008 19:59
So, here's a couple of bands I've been listening to recently:
Fleet Foxes - are lovely indie band from Seattle, so you know they're good. It's America's rainiest capital, man! Anyway, they have an EP out called Sun Giant and it is very mellow, in a kind of epic way. There's this one song, Mykonos that totally loves up my brain. It starts out sounding like a Shins song, then morphs kind of into the love child of America and Simon & Garfunkel, with a bit of Led Zeppelin instrumentalism peeking through the cracks in the blinds. The rest of the EP is nice folksy stuff, with really lush all-male harmonies that I didn't realise I loved until I heard them do it.
The Whitest Boy Alive - I stumbled upon this band while surfing for some good dance music. More specifically, the Fred Falke remix of their track Golden Cage, which I think must have some kind of Jedi mind trick attached to it, because I have listened to it about a million times and yet I have no idea what the lyrics are. But I like how the singer says the words, sort of like he can't be bothered. Anyway, I'm mid-way through their album Dreams, which sort of defines "easy listening" for me. It's kind of subtle grooviness - I guess it's the 20 percent Norwegian that makes all the difference.
Air France - this is a delightful band that everyone really likes. I came across them on both Number One Millionaire and Sundtrak, and I can tell you, they are dynamite. It's very sample-y, featherlight, calypso springtime music. If you have the means, I highly suggest picking up a copy of their EP. Also, the song Collapsing At Your Doorstep is excellent - it loops the line "So like a dream- no, better", which just captures my imagination.
Also on my playlist: Dusty Springfield "Breakfast in Bed", M.I.A. "Paper Planes" (didn't like it til I saw it in the Pineapple Express trailer), Smashing Pumpkins "Today", MGMT "Electric Feel" (+ basically any remix of that song I can find)
Studiously avoiding: Katy Perry "I Kissed A Girl" (as a bisexual girl, I feel she's kind of selling us out), anything Top 40. I actively hate on The Pussycat Dolls and Metro Station, on account of they make my ears bleed.
musical allusions,
mindless scribblings