Project Nietzsche: Visions and ponderings

Aug 27, 2004 03:28

Visions and ponderings was originally posted in Project Nietzsche. I have removed the original headers on the posts, but posted the full thread for continuity's sake.

Please see the production notes here.

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Kirin stood on the back porch at sunset one evening. She rested against one of the railing supports near the stairs. Her slender arms wrapped around the post and her head leaned against it as she tried to clear her mind of the day's events. A gently blowing breeze softly rustled the soft light knit fabric of the caftan that she wore.

Her eyes closed and her thoughts drifted. A smile tugged at her lips as she pictured a small child running about the yard the porch overlooked. Alu had never been around the girls when they were babies, neither of them had known their son at that age, so she wasn't sure how he'd be around this one when it was born. Somehow, she suspected that he would be protective, it was his nature toward his own. That didn't mean he would be overly indulgent, but for as long as she'd known the man he'd had a soft spot for children. Few, if any others, had seen that side of him.

The scents of the flowers wafting on the breeze caused a smile to come to her lips. She'd planted a few rose bushes against the back side of the house. Kirin adored roses, she had all of her life. Mixed blue and white Morning Glory vines were making their way up the trellises and up the posts of the porch. She'd planted on either side to make sure it looked even.

Her mind drifted in time to when she tried to forget the feelings long held in her heart for the man who now shared her life. There was a time when she tried to convince herself that she hated him, but it only served to prove how much she didn't. Her husband had known that she loved them both. For the long and happy years of her marriage, she'd avoided much contact with Alu. It was easier that way, but the old adage "out of sight, out of mind" neverreally worked. It was for this reason she had returned in time. She knew he'd returned from a mission that her younger self had no clue of. It was time perhaps to ease the mind of the woman she once was as to what would or at least could be. Time did indeed have a way of healing things.

Absently her hand moved to her rounding stomach as the child growing inside her made his or her presence known. Footsteps behind her were heard as the screen door shut. As Kirin opened her eyes she found her youngest daughter standing beside her. Diana had gone back to flight training. She seemed content enough in her life with Orion. A small package was placed in Kirin's hand from Dee's. "Happy Mother's Day" were the words whispered. The package was opened to reveal a silver locket. A picture had been made somehow with the family in it. No one sat for a portrait, so it was a composite of some sort. Kirin's smile revealed all. That this was done meant more to her than the expense of some gifts she'd received over the years. A gift from the heart and of the heart was precious beyond any concept of numbers.

As she hugged Diana, the other conspirators in this venture were in the shadows of the kitchen door. Rae stood back a bit and watched. A smile grew on her face, she needed to laugh. Her life was on the upswing of late, but there were things in her past that she needed to resolve. That would come in time, but today was a celebration and dinner was almost ready.

Days had past and Kirin found herself being overly emotional. She'd hit the time in her pregnancy where her hormones were on overload.

She stood in the kitchen preparing some seasoned meat and a salad for dinner. Kirin muttered about being ugly and as large as a whale expecting triplets.

The fey headed outside to tend the garden she'd been nuturing. As she leaned to inhale the fragrance of the roses, she felt a gentle motion from within. It was at that time she realized, none of her female offspring had been so calm. She knelt and began to dig in the soft earth to plant a few other things like lily of the valley. She knew she really shouldn't be doing this, but it seemed the only way to work off the frustration she felt. Kirin's gravid state was causing the usual doubts and feelings. Tears rushed down her face as suddenly she began to wonder how her mate could stand being around her in her bloated condition. She'd forgotten that Alu knew her inner most thoughts.

diana_lasher, kirin, alu, orion_kyle

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