He Has Even Stolen Fingerprints

Nov 28, 2013 07:41

Dissernet [a volunteer professional net community making expert examinations of theses defended by Russian state officials] has brilliantly prepared something on our old acquaintance, Mr. Bastrykin, the Czech spy.
[ http://navalny-en.livejournal.com/26788.html

It has turned out that this trickster plagiarized a book he published in 2004.
He simply stole entire parts of it from two foreign authors.

Table of borrowings in A. I. Bastrykin’s book, “Hand Signs. The Science of Fingerprints” (Saint Petersburg, 2004)

[Sources of borrowings:
XXX Front page, Contents, Introduction, Bibliography, Appendices, Drawings, Tables - not subject to textual analysis.
XXX Jürgen Thorwald, “100 Years of Criminal Investigation” (Progress Publishers, Russia, 1974).
XXX Anthony Summers, “The FBI Empire - Myths, Secrets, Intrigues” (Rusich Publishers, Russia, 2001).
XXX Large-scale borrowings not found].

The full story is here, read it: http://cook.livejournal.com/246676.html

Some remarkable chief of the Investigative Committee we’re having, say nothing!
Stealing books, (drunkenly) threatening a passer-by with a gun, getting a residency permit in a NATO state. Just wonderful.

And hats off to Dissernet! It’s a magnificent example of a project where people do their job perfectly for the common good.
It is with the greatest pleasure that I have donated some money to them. They are sure to make use of it 146%.

Originally posted by navalny on 2013-11-25 19:54:00


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