New Community!

May 16, 2007 22:19

Ahoy, mateys! I decided that the void of a Norrington/Groves-centric haven should be rectified:


Come one, come all. I've literally just started it, so it's still in its infancy, but I hope to get things moving along with members and posts and such.

Basically everything remotely relating to one or both of those two and/or the actors is welcome. Profile has a bit more details.

Also- affiliates wanted/needed/completely welcome. Uhh... I'm sorta flying blind, I'm not going to lie, so, just contact me or comment or something and we'll work something out.

x-posted to : _norrington, gillington, jack_norrington
(if you think it belongs anywhere else- feel free to post a link there, or what have you. :) )
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