A drawing I did for a Norsekink meme promt
Prompt So, Loki is living with his evil stepmother Laufey and his two stepbrothers - Bleystr and Hellblindi. We know how the story goes, he's mistreated because of his slighter frame and inability to figh. He suffers in silence, knowing that he can't stand up to his much stronger family, but in the loneliness of his room he studies magic, hoping that one day he'll be free.
MEANWHILE IN ASGARD king Odin and Queen Frigga are looking for a suitable consort for their son, Thor. Who is not overly happy about it. Fed up with stalling, Frigga decides to throw a party/ball on which the most beautiful/worthy candidates from all Nine Realms will arrive.
Layfey gets his two sons to go and leaves Loki at home, straddled with work and unhappy. Luckily, Loki's fairy godfather Heimdall sees all and decides to step in. He gives Loki a smashing outfit, an eight-legged horse (to get there quicker than anyone) and a glamour to make him look like an Aesir - but the glamour will last only untill midnigh.
Thor falls hook, line and sinker for that slith, intelligent and beautiful man that no one knows and dances only with him. Loki also falls for the smashing prince. As the mignight nears, the glamour stops working and Thor sees that one of his beloved's hands turns blue - Loki is terryfied and runs.
But Thor is not a guy who'll let the love of his life escape - he goes on an epic journey trough all Nine Realms to find Loki - and instead of a glass slipper he carries a (insert) given to him by Frigga that will make anyone who touches it reveal their true self.
I really liked the idea of the clock striking midnight and Loki's color changing back to blue, but Thor can't see because his eyes are closed and Loki CAN see and he's all "Oh... damn. There goes the end of this beautiful night with this wonderful man." And of course he's going to rip his hands away from Thor's grasp and run away, leaving Thor all confused.