I haven't written in this thing for ages.

Dec 11, 2003 04:13

Here it goes. Finals are over and this quarter has definately been one for learning. Not just learning academically but socially as well. So much stuff has happened and I believe I've grown to become a better person because of it. Here's a list/read aloud of stuff on my mind. Random jargon.
- I've learned to accept my limits, but also push myself.
- To accept who I am and value that.
- Know my place in society and attempt to make society better.
- A better understanding of others.
- The value of a dollar (still working on that)
- To try hard at life because you live once.
- Not to become too disillusional.
- Try hard, be outgoing, and everything will work out somehow.
- That my group of friends and associates has expanded and I hope to find even more people who are cool and share common interests with me.
- That my bros are there for me if i need help
- True brotherhood
- That I will miss the crazy antics and good times brought about by my pledge bros Rod and Derek as they leave the university.
- Valuing others for what they have to offer to people.
- That people with drama are just too much to deal with and unneeded in my life.
- To move on and accept that many who I was once close with are now further. That I have either grown apart from them or them from me.
- Opening up (probably the hardest lesson of them all). Most know me as the talk when approached guy, but I'm turning into the reverse now.
- To not burn bridges
- Be noticed, the known, the friendly.
- Noticing my flaws and attempting to correct them.
- Having fun.

I don't know, but I learned a lot I believe. Enjoy break everyone, keep it safe and fun!
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