Today's adorable entry, for the "A Book That Made You Laugh" square, is Chris O'Dowd and Nick Murphy's Moone Boy: The Blunder Years.
This book is a prequel to the Moone Boy tv series, which is one of my favourite shows ever. I've seen it so many times I know it by heart, and it still makes me laugh everytime. For those of you who haven't seen it yet,
here's two minutes from the first episode, just to give you a taste. It's an adorable and hilarious series set in 1989 Ireland about a young boy and his three sisters, mom, dad, and his imaginary best friend. The book is written from the perspective of said best friend, Sean Murphy, played on the show by Chris O'Dowd, who tells us about Martin Moone's disastrous first attempt at hiring an Imaginary Friend, up to the point when Sean officially becomes Martin's IF. It's cute and funny, full of hilarious notes, and there's a lot of crazy details about the mythology of the show. I had a lovely time reading it, and I'd recommend it to anyone who loves the show. Not so much to people who aren't fans, though: to anyone without any previous knowledge of the characters it would just seem a very confusing kids book. :D