"My only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey."

Feb 10, 2014 18:13

I just realized I haven't done a proper tv show entry in a while, and I'm baking twelve muffins, so I'm stuck in the vicinity of the oven for the next twenty minutes, so on with the random entry!

First, Marvel's Agents Of Shield. I think it has finally found the right pace. The story is more complicated, less childish, and we've come to a point where we finally care for these characters (although we still know too little about their past). The latest episode was really good, in terms of structure and storyline, although the Italian setting was so badly done it had me laughing for hours. They're supposed to travel by train from Verona to Zagreb, and they say it's mostly countryside (it's not). They can see the Tre Cime of Lavaredo, absolutely impossible from where they're standing (what we see from the window is a badly photoshopped picture of the Tre Cime in the middle of the country). There are no trains like that in Italy, 'Rotaia Italia' means nothing, and the only character who talked in a slightly comprehensible italian was Ward. They jumped from Northern Italy to Puglia, then to a villa in Tuscany. Nothing made any sense, and it was hilarious. It was obviously written by someone whose idea of Italy comes from romance movies from the 50s and Eat Pray Love. XD

The Walking Dead is back, and they got Hardison from Leverage too! Although it was only one scene, who cares, I was so happy to see him. Plus Michonne is a goddess, but that's hardly news.

I also recently found out that they've been airing Almost Human in the wrong order. All the episodes are scrambled, and that's why the character development makes no sense: one week they're friends, one week they don't even talk to each other. It's not a masterpiece of a series, but it's interesting enough to deserve to be seen in the proper order. They're supposed to stop doing it after the next episode, crossing fingers here. Otherwise it'll be a disaster, it makes little sense as it is.

I really loved the latest plot twist in Teen Wolf. Well written, and a great chance for some brilliant acting. I'm glad we're expanding the mythology, and I can't wait to see where they're going with this.

Totally random, have a picture of Sakura in a paper bag:

And a picture of the chocolate chip muffins, fresh out of the oven:

They smell delicious. Now I only have to wait an hour and they'll be perfect to eat. *________*

tv: shield, tv: almost human, real life: cuisine, tv: teen wolf, real life: sakura, graphics: pics, tv: walking dead

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