What a week! I couldn't do the dreaded MRI scan today, because the other day I got another cold, and yesterday I started having coughing fits, that would make staying still for the scan impossible. I called the clinic this morning, they said it happens all the time, and rescheduled to December. Then I got some more meds from the pharmacy to stop the cough to become a bronchitis, and stopped taking the antianxiety meds. According to my doctor I'm not to take anything with caffeine in it for a while, and obviously now I'd give anything for a nice cup of tea. Oh well.
A few minutes ago the neighbors next door rang me to ask me permission to put a gigantic plant on our shared landing. I said it didn't bother me, because after all it's more hilarious than anything. It's some sort of giant palm the colleagues from the office gave the father for the birth of their second baby last month. It's the stupidest gift I've ever seen. They told me they'll get rid of it soon enough, but in the meanwhile it looks like the jungle from Jumanji when I step out the door.
Going off-topic, this morning I watched the pilot of Almost Human: I liked it a lot. Not much character development and a lot of exposition, as expected from a pilot, but I love the Blade Runner feeling of it, the two main actors have great chemistry, and the story is intriguing enough. Let's add another one to the list of tv shows I'm currently watching! Either a couple of them turn bad, or I'll have to cut on sleeping hours. ^^"
Today the new case for my cellphone arrived, and the padded cover too. I haven't managed to drop it yet, but better safe than sorry. I bought them in two separate places, but I'm happy I managed to find them with a common theme. ^^
My therapist just called and she said I should rest, but laying down brings the coughing fits back. I'll try and sit on the couch and read a while, let's see if that's enough rest.