Nov 09, 2012 19:38
Just came back from watching Skyfall. This will be my spoiler-free review, because I hate spoilers and if there ever was a movie you don't want to know anything about before watching it, it's this one.
It was GREAT. So, so beautiful. Melanchonic and clever, delicate and at the same time cruel. I loved every minute of it. The music, the acting, the cinematography, everything was perfect. I'll even forgive them for going for the same ol' "gay villain" trope, because I loved the villain too. Go watch it, it's so very, very beautiful. And the opening sequence with the Adele song is stunning.
I arrived early at the cinema, and spent a good ten minutes outside chatting with an old couple who were there for the same movie. The husband was worried because he feared a mass of teenagers would arrive to fill the room, crunch on popcorn and spoil the whole movie for "us adults". He even called me "lady" and opened the door for me. All this while I was wearing my Avengers skirt. Golly, I'm finally in the Adults Club. I can wear superheroes clothes, and they still recognize me as a grown-up. Jolly good. :D
In the end, there weren't any teenagers, the room was almost empty (after all it was four in the afternoon on a friday), only a few couples here and there. They showed the Hobbit trailer, which made me squee out loud, even if I already know it scene by scene, and the Argo trailer, that I must see the very day they release it because it looks awesome. *______*
How many months until the bluray? I hope we'll get a dvd screener before that! I must watch it again and again and again...
movies: 007