"Your lips a magic world, your sky all hung with jewels, the killing moon."

Sep 03, 2012 11:45

Hip hip hurrah for me, as today I finally have a multiregion bluray player in my hands! Yes, you read that right, something that isn't supposed to exist, and yet it's here. It started with a long and frustrating search on Google last week, and after a couple of hours I managed to stumble upon a forum thread mentioning the Toshiba BDX1200 player and a certain australian firmware. Much clicking and crosschecking later, I managed to find one on amazon.it, got the firmware ready, and waited while it travelled from Barcelona to Paris to Milan and this morning to my house. It is surprisingly light and slim (I'm used to the PS3, and even if it says so on the package, slim it is not). Five minutes later, the hidden menu was revealed, the region set to A (but I can change it to every other region as many times as I see fit), and my Alice bluray started loading. Behold, behold, it WORKS! It only took me three years since the day I bought that bluray to have it finally working (still pissed off about that one).

It's the second one, just under the PS3. I can't put anything above the PS3 since the top is convex, and I'd like to meet the genius who designed that so I can punch them on the nose.

And now the Avengers special edition, with the Tesseract and all the movies, that I pre-ordered last month, is actually a reasonable purchase after all. As in, now I can actually watch the movies too, instead of just playing with the Tesseract. :D


If any of you not-american friends would like to know how it works, just drop me a comment. It took me only 130 € (very cheap for a bluray player, and the quality is VERY good), three days for delivery, five minutes to set it up. And to do that one just needs a usb stick!

movies: avengers, technology, tv: alice, movies: review

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