Feeling better. When the girls came home and asked what I was doing at school, I said I was out running errands and wanted to stop by to see them in their costumes. Gabby and Claire both expressed annoyance that I made it for Mia's dance but not theirs, but when I shrugged and said I'd neglect Mia next time, they took it pretty well. I'm going to look at this as an object lesson in time management, i.e. reading all their school papers daily instead of letting them pile up, rather than see it as further evidence that I'm unqualified to be a parent.
Onward to more important things: It's Halloween! Yay! Our costumes are done, the pumpkins are carved, there's food and bev a-plenty, the decorations are up, and the candy bowl overfloweth; bring on the trick-or-treaters, I say. I intend to have a lovely evening haning out with my some of my favorite people and familiarizing myself with the contents of a box (Yes, am well aware of implications of boxed wine. Suck it.) of
Pinot Evil. Will post pics ASAP!