Dec 21, 2009 14:31
And Hereby Vow to Banish From my Life Forever:
1. Paying attention to fashion.
Seriously, why do I bother? It doesn't fit me, I can't afford it, I have nowhere to wear it, and spending major cash on something so fleeting as clothing offends my basic belief that storing up treasures on Earth is incredibly selfish and pointless.
2. Feeling beset upon because my stuff isn't as nice as other people's stuff
If I had nice stuff, I'd just have to expend energy protecting it, caring for it, worrying that other people might steal it, and eventually it would sink into my rapidly growing pile of Stuff I Wanted Two Years Ago that Is Now A Millstone Around My Neck.
3. Worrying about getting a job right now
Watching the girls hang out on Christmas vacation, they still require a lot of supervision. If I were offered a job tomorrow I couldn't accept it. Why am I borrowing trouble from the future? Next fall will come soon enough.
4. Wishing I had a different body
Seriously, I've had it this long and am still ambiguous about its general shape. Why do I still do this? It's Stupid Beyond All Reckoning. It doesn't change despite all the crazy things I've done to it. The best I can do at this point is to try and preserve it for future use.
5. Feeling vaguely sheepish about the fact that raising kids is all I do.
It's a bitch of a job. There's nothing left of me after I'm done with that every day. Why do I feel like I should be doing something else on top of that? Why do I let other people suggest to me that I could be doing other things with my non-existent free time?
Okay so there, non-stop tape loop of feeling sorry for myself and beset-upon on all sides. I banish these five major subjects of contention from the list of things that Keep Coming Up Because my Brain Won't Shut the Hell Up. I purge the Google Reader of all links to fashion pages and diet help and design journals and lists of things to buy.