Another one for fun (can be found at
Thin Line):
"They're fantastic," he complimented Harry indistinctly, spraying crumbs everywhere. "Aren't they, Severus?"
"Yes, indeed," Snape replied congenially. "I must congratulate the makers of the mix, Potter, for achieving what I could not as your teacher--I didn't hear any explosions, and there's no smoke..."
"Harry doesn't use ready-made mixes," Remus said proudly. "He makes his own recipes."
"My goodness, Potter! You are a man of many wondrous talents. The great defender of wizardkind and a master chef, all in one."
Harry flushed red. "You know, Snape, you are the only man I know who can be maliciously amiable. It's an art, it really is."
I simply adore fanon!Snape! *cuddles*