May 14, 2007 14:35
I am so excited to start my life.
The way I want to live.
Without anyone else dictating it or under estimating me or constantly judging me openly.
Im mainly excited for the person I'm becoming.
My Life..mine.
and I have a whole Lifetime to live out who I want to be.
I have lived a sheltered life and soon It wont be.
Im going insane with joy and hope and random thoughts and whims that I get to go through with instead of my whims just being whims or dreams.
and to top it all off..i just got a call from River Ranch, the summer camp that I wanted to work at who I thought totally rejected my application even though im an amazing councilor and kids love me. anyways, they want me to work this life is a jumbled mess of plans right now, but it is now my story and I have one hell of an outline for it.
oh man. what im i going to do..i love camp but it will take major plan changing to fit it in.
im in a weird mood. my wisdom teeth are gone and i cant have burgers or caramel for the next 6 months. :(
i probably wont listen to them but for the time being i will replace them with jogging and crunches.
i miss all of you. and im a bad correspodant.
but this week, ive been proposed to..twice. and not very well i will add.