Jul 08, 2010 09:03
Well it looks like my metabolism does not like me anymore and has left the building. Although I have yet to weigh myself, little scared, I can gurantee I am at my heaviest to date. The scary part is that I am in my sisters wedding on August 22nd and don't really fit into the dress. I can get it done up but man it is very tight and clings everywhere.
Therefore I am changing my eating immediatly and going to work out like crazy. I'm not going to over do myself I just need to try to lose at least an inch, hopefully two from the hips to wear the dress comfortably.
thekillerb69 and I have made an agreement to cut out the sauces, cut down on the salt and minimize the junk food as much as possible. Which is going to be interesting as you don't exactly eat well at events, on the way to events, or during the week of my womanly friend. It has come to light that I have to starting eating different meals from B as his metabolism still likes him and he can eat a horse and not gain a pound. Which I quite enjoy as he looks great but is depressing as I want to eat the same things.
Monday we are going to do an overhaul of the cupboards and stock up on fruits, veggies and for me some fish. the only problem is i really only like strawberries, grapes and raspberries. I can do other fruits that are canned but oh the sugar. Instead of throwing together the "easy" meals we have to take the time to make healthier meals. Not that helathy is hard it is just too easy to through chicken nuggets and fries into the oven. We don't eat too bad it is really just the portions, too many potatoes and red meat compared to veggies etc. We are cutting the portions down and I am going to stop eating when i get the satisfied feeling, not the bursting feeling.
I have told B that he has to make sure that I am doing my exercises as I have the habit of coming home doing the dishes, laundry finish projects i'm working on for others and then i'm hungry so we have dinner and then lounge around, as i don't want to exercise after eating. Therefore I am making B not cook dinner (or allow me to cook) until I have done the exercises. Most of the time I will be doing this on my break and lunch at work but just in case i will need this. It is very easy for me to say I look okay i don't need to excercise, or i'll do it tomorrow. Most common is I have to finish this project. I keep putting it off and jsut start to feel worse about myself.
Motivation is really hard for me. I know I need to work on certain areas, as my clothes don't fit anymore, but then I look at myself and get depressed and just want to eat more junk to feel better and don't do anything, which starts the cycle all over. I am going to need as much assitance as possible, especially in this next month, from everyone. B has been great as I told him that if he thinks that I am getting "fat" to tell me as I need to be able to work on it and want to look great for him. He said he really hadn't noticed, which is great as I am really glad he still thinks I'm sexy even though I have widened and rounded a little:)
In addition to feeling better I am hoping to start running on my lunches. My sister has been doing this for a few months and looks great!! My only fear is I have feet problems so I don't know how well this will work. I'll try and see how it goes. If it doens't work I will speed walk and do other excerises that I didn't do on my break.
I will do this I just don't know if I can do it in a month. Well here goes nothing!!!