May 25, 2010 12:50
Thank goodness this was a long weekend as I would not have survivied if I had to go to work yesterday.
Sunday was my sisters Bridal shower for which I spent all day Saturday-until 830pm, cleaning and baking for it. Then I touched up my hair and finally we ate dinner at about 930pm.
Sunday I woke up realitvely early, for me on a Sunday, to make articoke dip and decorate the house for the party starting at two. I would have decorated saturday but cats a streamers don't tend to mix well if you want them to stay up:)
The party went realtively well and I got quite a few compliments. The down side was that my sisters mother in law to be showed up drunk- which if you knew her isn't much of a surpise, and the sister in law spent most of the time on the phone.I am happy to say that My sister's fiance must be adopted as he is nothing like his family.
After the bridal shower we had friends over to watch Lost. I downed a bottle of wine therefore had to re-watch it monday:) Amazingly I was not hung over, just a small headache. But then the joint and ear pains started. I spent the whole day in bed due to pain and having a sever case of the chills. A layer of fleece under a lawyer of wool just wouldn't cut it. of course later I got the sweats. Barely any sleep with a sore thorught and no ability to breath has left me oh so cheery today not to mention the lovely headache and the fact that any food I smell does not go well.
Exhausting myself and putting my defenses down with wine may have got me a cold/flu-who's excited:) not me.