Jun 24, 2009 11:50
I was on my way back from dropping off a food order and there was someone in front of me getting changing their shirt while driving!!! we were not at a red light and there was a big rig infront of him/ Not two moments later a lady decides that she really needs to turn right and i almost rear end her!
I hope this is not a sign as to the way this day is going.
On a good note if the weather stays clear in the great white north I will be picking up thekillerb69 at 9pm tomorrow!!!!! However this does mean that I will be very exhausted Friday at work- and there is no chance to call in sick as there are 10 people off already. Ah well it'll be worth it.
In order to be home for tomorrow night thekillerb69 has to spend tonight sleeping on a cot that may not even be in a "bedroom" and then spend 9 hours on planes tomorrow. I love this man!!!
He's home until next thursday which is nice as we will get the holiday.
I'm quite excited for the little bit of time we will have together:)
Now tonight i have to clean the house and go shopping as i have been sent on a mission. I hope I can get everything done:}